Recognize and APPRECIATE

The easiest and most effective way to recognize an employee for their work and dedication to the job is by being appreciative of what they are doing.

Unfortunately, most leaders or managers do not realize the importance of this and when they are busy and involved in their own work they tend to neglect doing so.

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A POSITIVE MINDSET in difficult times

We often face trouble keeping ourselves going and moving forward with a positive outlook, during difficult times. Living in an environment which is filled with anxiety and stress due to the calamity we all are having to endure and trying to keep ourselves motivated and positive is not easy and sometimes requires a lot of effort from us.

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TRANSFERABLE SKILLS for career change

The world is changing and with it the need to be flexible and adaptable is also increasing. The current crisis we are facing may have long term repercussions, in terms of our jobs, way of life etc. We need to prepare ourselves for these changes. Some of the key skills and abilities which may help us at such a juncture are our transferable skills, which we can use to be successful in many different areas of our lives, socially as well as professionally.

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Having an adaptable mind is essential in today’s world to meet the ever changing challenges which present themselves. We all know that our skills of today may not be able to solve the problems of tomorrow. So, we need to constantly adapt our self, be ready to learn new skills and also be flexible in order to be successful in our jobs.

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mental tough

We often think that that some people we know are born strong. They have the ability to be work hard, face challenges and are also mentally tough. The term mental toughness is used in psychology to refer to the qualities and power people possess to fight through difficult challenges and come out successful.

In the competitive world of today, it is essential to develop a sense of mental toughness if you want to be successful.

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It is only natural to like feeling happy and fulfilled with your job. We enjoy having a good boss, great colleagues and a company we enjoy working in. However, it is necessary to be aware that if we get too complacent we might end up in danger of derailing our career.

You might think that if you are enjoying your career, why you should make the effort of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

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Get more done by SPRINTS

sprintThe working environment in these times is becoming an overload which often causes a distraction, as we struggle to cope with and focus on what is really important. The more focused we are, the more we can get done with a higher quality of work produced.

A basic method to increase quality of work is improving the ability to focus. Creating a sense of mindfulness of what one is doing helps to improve focus and at the same time increase the ability to produce meaningful accomplishments at the end of the day.

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BURNOUT: Signs and management


The stresses of the modern world and the demands of the workplace today are taking their toll on our lives. A very commonly used term these days without a proper understanding of what it means, the word BURNOUT is used to define a state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion which may have an impact on us at some point of our lives, due to the extraordinary pressures and tension levels we are facing.

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